Love and fear cannot exist in the same space, so everything you are holding onto through fear is blocking you having more love in your life. Clearing allows more love to start pouring. – Karen Kingston

Intuitive Feng Shui

Your living space is talking. Are you listening?

Everything is Energy.

What if I told you those dishes in the sink were blocking you from a new relationship or a promotion?

Your living space is a reflection of your inner thoughts and beliefs – and it’s telling a story.

That message is the key to what’s holding you back. Feng Shui is the map to get you to where you want to go.

Your living environment is reflecting the inner energetic blocks. Together we can clear them to support the life you imagine.

Packages and Pricing

All packages include a floor plan assessment of your homes main level as well as a life assessment questionnaire. Together we will use your home as a map to identify where you are and how to implement fixes and enhancements to bring energetic shifts and changes. Sessions Provided Online